AuraPlayer Steps for a Standard POC Follow
Step 1: Kickoff
A successful POC must include a clear understanding of the desired workflow and set expectations of the projected results. During the kickoff session we’ll define the exact workflow to be tested within the POC, and we’ll define the POC success criteria.
To ensure a successful kickoff meeting, please prepare a sample workflow you would like to test in the POC.
Step 2: Installation
The installation will be executed by an AuraPlayer expert in a web session. Usually, installation is done on any local windows machine. See the following prerequisites document for the machine.
Step 3: POC
Usually, the POC is done via web session while recording and building the required use case.
For the POC web session please have ready Oracle test users with relevant existing data, so we’ll be able to properly run the workflows without error.
Step 4: Regroup
The final regroup session will be to present the POC to the stakeholders, get feedback and decide on the next steps.
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