ServiceManager Recording Fails Follow
Prior to any action in here, please make sure that you are able to open the Form in a browser on the same machine
If the Forms Open correctly on that machine let's go over the following steps.
How do I know that a recording failed?
- No web service was created (Service is not found in the service manager list)
- A recorder error message is displayed.
- ServiceManager's Recording toolbar's buttons are disabled except for the cancel button.
Possible reasons:
- Forms server was not properly configured:
- AuraPlayer installation files were not copied to the server (AuraPlayeragent.jar, file)
- AuraPlayerAgent.jar was not added to the classpath of the Forms serevr
- Default HTML of the forms does not contain formsMessageListener attribute.
- Certificate issues on the client side.
- Client side, local port 4444 is occupied
Please open a ticket by sending an email to so we can help resolve your issue.
Resolving the issue:
- Make sure that installation was done properly on the recorded Forms server - follow the installation guide.
- you copied to the Forms server both AuraPlayerAgent.jar + files
- You added AuraPlayeragent.jar to the Forms classpath (in formsweb.cfg file)
- You restarted the Forms server.
- Clear the Java's applet cache.
- Enable Java for debugging
- While you record, open java console (some settings in java control panel might be required)
What are the possible reasons/solutions?
- Installation was not properly completed
- Local port is occupied
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