FRM-92095: Oracle JInitiator version too low. Please install version or higher. Follow
"FRM-92095: Oracle Jlnitiator version too low. Please install version or higher."
If you have issues when opening Forms or when running a script in JMeter
If you perform Silent Playback, and you get this error, please check the Java version that the server is installed on. You can check that under Admin->Server Information:
If you are running against Forms 10g, then you have to use JVM 1.6 build 45 and earlier on the Forms server
The issue might happen if your server is installed on weblogic with JRockit JVM (the Java Runtime would not have "Sun Microsystems" in it) in that case, you should change the Java Runtime description
Go to Admin -> System properties, and uncomments the following line (remove the '#')
#JAVA_VENDOR=Sun Microsystems Inc.
Save. no restart is required.
If you have issues when running a script in JMeter
- Go to start and search for 'Java'
- Click on Java tab and then View
- Add the following text in the ‘Runtime Parameters’ box and then click OK
-Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."
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