Backup / Restore (from file/daily) Follow
From time to time you may want to backup or import a specific service/s, application/s, test case/s, test agent/s, RPA or even the entire Service Manager, to move them between environments or perform a full system backup.
Performing a full backup
1) Login to ServiceManager using the administrator username and password
2) Click on the Admin tab
3) Under the Data Management, click on Backup
This will create a backup file that will be downloaded to your local PC's Downloads directory called:
It can take several time, depending on the size of your system.
This file can then be used to restore into another AuraPlayer service manager instance afterwards.
Using an API call to perform full backup
curl -o <filename> http://<host>:<port>/ServiceManager/Macro/Backup
Example: curl -o e.g. http://localhost:8080/ServiceManager/Macro/Backup
Restoring a full backup
1) Login to ServiceManager using the administrator username and password
2) Click on the Admin tab
3) Under the Data Management, click on Restore ->
- from file (migrate): if you have created a backup previously, usually a file called
- daily backup: to choose an existing scheduled backup of the server. Service Manager will perform an automated daily full backup at 20:00 - you can change it on Admin -> System Properties -> HOUR_OF_BACKUP_EXECUTION
4) Click 'Open'
This will restore the items from the backup into the Service Manager.
It can take several time, depending on the size of your file.
Using an API call to restore full backup from a file
curl -F "file=@<filename>" http://<host>:<port>/ServiceManager/Macro/Restore
Example: curl -F "" http://localhost:8080/ServiceManager/Macro/Restore
Performing a backup / restore of a specific or multiple items
To create a backup for a specific or multiple items, which can be a service, an application, a test case, a test group, a test agent or a RPA
1) Login to ServiceManager using the administrator username and password
2) Click on the desired item tab (in this example, we'll click on Services)
3) Set the checkbox next to the preferred item or items names
4) press “Action" and select “Backup”.
It will be saved to your PC as a zip file. This file can then be used to restore into another AuraPlayer service manager.
Using an API call to perform backup of multiple items
curl -o <filename> http://<host>:<port>/ServiceManager/Macro/Backup?data={"ItemType":["<ItemName1>","<ItemName2>"]}"
Available Item types: "services" for services, "apps" for applications, "processes" for RPAs, "testCases" for Tests, "testGroups" for test groups.
Note: The JSON data (the highlighted part above) must be URL encoded. For that you may use any online URL encoder (for example:
curl -o http://localhost:8080/ServiceManager/Macro/Backup?data={"services":["iExpense_downloadAttachment","test_workflow"]}"
curl -o http://localhost:8080/ServiceManager/Macro/Backup?data=%7B"services"%3A%5B"iExpense_downloadAttachment"%2C"test_workflow"%5D%7D"
To restore the backed-up file(s)
1) Login to ServiceManager using the administrator username and password
2) Click on the Admin tab
3) Under the Data Management, click on Restore -> from file (migrate)
4) Select the desired zip file
5) Check if the item (or items) was restored properly
Using an API call to restore multiple items backup from a file
curl -F "file=@<filename>" http://<host>:<port>/ServiceManager/Macro/Restore
Example: curl -F "" http://localhost:8080/ServiceManager/Macro/Restore
For more API options see ServiceManager Automation APIs
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