Change ServiceManager "local directory" path Follow
Service Manager Local Directory is a folder where AuraPlayer saves all the data, statistics, recording files, logs, backup files and temporary data of ServiceManager.
The default path of that folder is on the User's home directory.
You might want to change the location of that folder if you want to set more disk space to that folder, or if there are no permissions to that folder.
You can see path of that folder in ServiceManager->Admin->Server information->Service Manager Local Directory
Change folder path
Changing the path of that folder can be done by clicking on 'Edit' and setting the new path.
The path SHOULD contain ServiceManager folder at the end: i.e. <path>/ServiceManager
- After you set the path - RESTART of the ServiceManager server is required (tomcat or from weblogic)
- If you set the local folder, the Daily backup folder would be set automatically.
- It is possible to set the daily backup folder separately.
If you change the local directory folder, then on the next time you will UPGRADE ServiceManager (delete and install), you would need to set that folder again.
Make sure that the path that you set for local folder - the Server has permissions/roles to it.
The setting of the local folder are saved in the following file:
<Service Manager Installation Directory>/servicemanager.paths
(e.g <tomcat_directory>/webapps/ServiceManager/servicemanager.paths
It is possible to change it manually and bounce the server
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